Geology Spots
to share with geology enthousiasts
This personnal site is just for sharing with geology amateurs friends some places I have been visiting during my last travels in Chile, and to start to plan new trips with a geological interest. The root of this passion is curiosity and the joy of walking, observing landscapes, rocks, minerals, fossils, with a purpose to better understand the history of our planet, to utlimately change the perspective of view on our life, our with a broader time-scale in mind.
I will be adding new spots of inerest in the perspective of planning next travels, with various scientific or pedagogic values in the fields of earth sciences, geology, paleontology, as well as meteorites seach and volcanology. As a starting point, I am putting here just a few maps done with Google mymaps.
First, here is a list of valuable related websites:
Official Geology Maps of Chile Online:
A List of Geolocial Sites of a public fund of the Government of Chile:
Interactive map of a French University in Lyon, great website with a lot of education ressources, with sites in Chile:
Paleontology sites in Chile with focus on Mezozoic:
Territorial maps related to mining industry:
Official National Service of Mining and Geology:
Sociedad Geológica de Chile:
Here are the maps, just click on the button on the trop right of each map to make it full screen:
"Tektoids" Field, 7.8 Ma old impact, meteorite crater location unknown yet.
Paleobiology Public Database Extract
Selection of a zone in Copiapo Region, of interest for Paleontology and Stratigraphy